Discover the allure of Grand Resort Lagonissi, an exclusive retreat nestled along the Athenian Riviera. This 5-star sanctuary sprawls across a 72-acre private peninsula, providing mesmerizing views of the Saronic Gulf.

Immerse yourself in the pinnacle of luxury with sea-view rooms, private pools, and secluded beaches. Just 45 minutes from Athens center and 20 minutes from the airport, the resort is a perfect hub for discovering the wonders of the Athenian Riviera.

Savor exquisite dining at the resort’s restaurants and bars, partake in sports activities, and rejuvenate at the holistic spa. Grand Resort Lagonissi is distinguished as one of the premier 5-star Athens beach resorts, ensuring an unmatched holiday experience.

With its scenic 5.2 km coastline, 16 private beaches, and VIP services, Grand Resort Lagonissi guarantees a distinctive and tailored escape, solidifying its reputation as the best hotel in Lagonissi.